How Fat Reduction Works

In biochemistry class, you are taught that fat is stored as triglycerides in fat cells. You also learn that fat is energy dense and a pain in the rear for your body to metabolize.

Fat is so hard to break down because it’s stored as triglycerides. To use the fatty acids, your body first has to cut the glycerol molecule from the fatty acids. From there, the fatty acids travel within the blood stream to the muscle cell, where it gets turned into energy inside the mitochondria.

You don’t have to understand every single step of this process. The key takeaway here is that using your fat as energy is what your body doesn’t necessarily want to do.

To lose body fat, you have to burn more energy than that you consume. It’s simple actually. 

You might be a bit skeptical of claims that a topical cream can magically burn fat on your body. Transdermal creams are absorbed through the skin to spot target certain areas of fat. Whilst they may not do all the work for you, with the right ingredients and application they can really help improve your results.

Transdermal creams can help target subcutaneous fat which is the fat directly underneath your skin. They help liberate stubborn body fat so that it can release into the bloodstream and be used for energy. Therefore, when used alongside routine exercise and a healthy diet, these creams help your body burn off these fat stores.  

Transdermal creams like Shrink Toning Lotion also work by increasing blood flow to specific areas of stubborn body fat. This is called vasodilation and it encourages the mobilization of fatty acids that have been activated by lipolysis.

Through this process, transdermal creams can also improve the appearance of the skin, which is why they’re often used by bodybuilders and physique and fitness models for pre-competition sculpting. They’re often formulated to tighten and smooth areas of the body, which helps tones and firms the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The combination of these cosmetic effects and lipolysis activating function of transdermal creams ensure that they can help with your fat burning.


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